My name is Ben Packer and I am a Brooklyn based software engineer and socialist passionate about the upcoming PostgreSQL release and surviving the 21st century. In 2019, I was a co-founder of [[Things I've Tried|Rewired Coop]], a technology coop building software for organizers with roots in the Bernie 2020 campaign and the Democratic Socialist left. In 2024, I began my current role working on the technology for communications and organizing systems for the United Auto Workers. ## Writing I originally made this website because I wanted a minimalist website with the Latex font and the Solarized Light color theme, and I also thought I might write some things. Some things I have wanted to write include: * _An Anti-Cypherpunk Manifesto: It Matters to Me that You Know that I am Not a Dog_ * _Social Movements, Messianism, and the Mathematics of Phase Changes_ However, at the moment of writing I am still much better at coming up with titles than the posts themselves. If that changes, you'll see those posts below! ## Where to find me online * [Twitter]( * [Github]( * This website ## Contact You can email me at [email protected]. I am not important, famous, or terribly busy, and I do a good job at unsubscribing to things, so receiving an email is quite exciting! You _should_ email me if: - [[__site/Looking for Collaborators/Index|Collaborating on any of my side projects interests you]] * You want to go to a Ninja Gym in Brooklyn and play around in the ball pits and stuff. * You would like to co-organize a group industrial tourism trip. We can visit all the types of power plants, mines, small & large farms/fisheries, water and waste treatment, recycling & trash, data centers, ports, logging, etc. It would be a lot of planning but I think a good time! * You are about to enter the labor market as a software engineer and want to ask what else I might know that you could do other than traditional tech roles. ## Billie I have a lab/pitt+ mutt named Billie. I usually am not too interested in photos of other people's dogs, but you can find photos of her [[Billie|here]]. ## Guestbook You can leave a message on my website by filling out the [[Guestbook]]! Your message is guaranteed to last 24 hours, and may last longer if not many messages are left. --- <div id="guestbook"></div> ---